24 April 2005

* $

I'm not a huge coffee drinker but when I want a cup, I can crave it and even so, when I crave it I want it right then. So why am I forced to wait 5-10 minutes, seriously, to even touch the stuff after I buy it? Maybe my sensitive mouth would be numb to extreme temperatures after years of coffee consumtion, I guess that's how others do it, but what about starbucks haters like me?

What I need is some variable temperature coffee. Now I know places like Starbucks let you request to have a drink, say, Extra Hot. I'm not sure if they allow an Extra-Cool like option, however they don't even advertise such temp requesting. But I'm talking more specific requests...something along the lines of "I'll take a cafe mocha decaf double 115 mr barista!" They could have a default temp but people could customize to exactly what their tastes are if they wanted. It wouldn't be too involved to have 5-degree increments and some type of quick cooling mechanism.


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